If there is strong justification, the College of Graduate Studies may agree to delay publication of a thesis/dissertation for 12 months. Under special circumstances, and with substantive rationale, this delay in publication may be extended in 12-month increments. Students wanting to request a delay in publication of their thesis must do so before the thesis is submitted electronically.
Justification may arise for example, when time is required for completion and submission of a significant manuscript or patent application for a device or idea that may emerge from the thesis research; the thesis/dissertation describes something of considerable monetary potential which could, if the student were given an opportunity to develop it first, benefit the student or the University; the thesis/dissertation deals with a potentially dangerous product or process or potential cure for a disease for which the researchers need more time for testing before a public release of the information; the thesis/dissertation contains sensitive information which, if made public, puts the student at risk.
This request must be made when the dissertation/thesis is first submitted to the College of Graduate Studies following the thesis/dissertation defence.